Sunday, September 17, 2006

BIGIP Virtual Server

Virtual Servers are the most important componentof any Link Controler configuration. A Virtual Server receive a client request, and instead of sendiing the request directky to the destination IP address specified in the packet header, send it to any of several content servers that make up a load balancing pool. Virtual servers increase the availabimlity of resources for processing client requests.

Not only do virtual servers distribute traffic across multiple servers, they also treat varying types of traffic differently, depending on your traffic-mangagement needs. A VS can apply an entire group of settings, to affect the way the Link Controller manages that traffic type .

Finaly, a VS can apply an iRules, which is a user-written scruipt designed to inspect and direct individual connectionsin specific ways.

To summarize, a VS can do the following :

- Distribute client requests across multiple servers to balance server load
- Apply various behavorial settings to multiples traffics types
- Enable persistence for multiple traffic types
- Direct traffic according to users-written iRules

You can use a VS in any of three distinct ways :

- Directing traffic to a load balancing pool (the mmost basic VS type)
- Forwarding traffic to a specific destination IP address. Like an other VS, except that the VS has no pool members to load balance. The VS simply forwards the packet directly to the destination IP address specified in the client request.
- L2 forwarding