Wednesday, June 28, 2006

CheckPoint SPLAT schedule backup

For backup scheduling and transfert the backup through scp, we can use the following command

backup --sched on 12:00 -w 1 --scp backup_servr_ip_or_name username userpassword -path destination_path

Ex : backup --sched on 12:00 -w 1 --scp titi tata -path /backup/firewall `/bin/data +%Y_%m_%d`

For a daily scheduling we need to change the crontab file with the crontab -e command :

mm yy * * * backup_sched sched

Detail of the command help

backup [-h] [-d] [[--tftp ] [--scp ] [--file ]]

-d Show debug messages
-h, --help Show this help information
-t, --tftp Transfer backup package from TFTP server
-s, --scp Transfer backup package from SCP server
-f, --file Specify local backup package filename